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Nail the Audition with these easy-to-apply tips on calming nerves

Nail the Audition with these easy-to-apply tips on calming nerves

Auditions make people nervous, BUT NOT YOU!!

No one finds it easy to stand performing in front of others and be judged whether you are a politician, a TV host, a lecturer or even a student submitting the final paper. In your line of business as a performer, this stressful activity is very frequent whether paid or unpaid. Read below for 10 tips on how to calm the nerves.

audition room

Don’t get me wrong but the more you are liked by casting directors, the more you will be called for auditions and the more stressed you will be. So you need to find a way to overcome your stress and make these as part of daily life routines such as brushing your teeth or having your morning coffee and hopefully going to 5 auditions today. Here are a few audition tips to keep your sanity:

  1. Sleep: On audition days do your absolute best to get as much sleep the night before as you can. Being tired will hinder your ability to listen, to quickly take direction and that’s how you blow away your audition easily.
  2. Eat well: stay away from sugary foods. Unless you function best after a heavy meal, try to avoid it. Go for your energy food, like proteins.
  3. Use Relaxation Techniques: Put soothing music on. Give yourself a good 15 minutes or more. It’s important to put yourself in the mood to go to work and to get rid of anything positive, or negative. You’re going to play another character, so it’s time to get your life out of the way.
  4. Stay Hydrated: Drink a lot of water. Your body needs it to keep everything flowing. You’ll feel better, be more alert, and have more energy.
  5. Keep Focused: Find a place you can stand and keep your energy level up. Imagine you’re the character in your audition piece, be it, live it, and love it.
  6. Stay away from other people: Stage fright is contagious, plus you don’t want to compare yourself to an actor auditioning for the same part as you. It is hard enough to overcome your own nervousness; you CAN’T overcome everybody’s fear.
  7. Give yourself the acting role: As an actor, your imagination is your greatest ally. Imagine you’ve got the role and you’re coming into rehearse. If a lack of self-confidence is making you nervous, this tool can be a great help.
  8. Don’t make up questions: Often, a casting director will ask you if you have any questions. That’s just a courtesy question and doesn’t mean you need to have a question. If you don’t, a simple “Not for the time being, thank you” works great.
  9. To Shake or Not to Shake?: Some casting directors don’t like to shake actors’ hands, especially during flu and cold season, so take your cue from them. If they extend out their hands, great. If not, a friendly smile will do it.

Always remember that a job is on the line so don’t let nerves take away your opportunity to work. For your next audition try these steps and see if you have a stronger, more relaxed, more focused audition.