How Meera and Fatima, 2 sisters from UAE, is starting in Commercial Acting at age 7 & 8.
Meera aged 7, Fatima aged 8 had their mother Umida sign them up for Mixfame to follow their dreams of being like their favourite movie stars. Umida said that the signup process was one of the easiest she had seen and before she knew it Meera and Fatima were applying for so many different roles and being invited for castings without even having any previous experience, just the dream to be on TV.
Above is Meera, in her featured role in Dubai Font
Meera was the first of the two to land her very first featured role in the beautiful Dubai Font campaign. Umida explained that Meera was ecstatic when they got the call that she had been selected “She couldn’t wait to do the shoot and kept asking me when she was going to be on TV!”. Umida described Meera always wanting to be in front of the camera when they were invited to go to a casting Umida had a feeling Meera was going to nail it “it’s just her enthusiasm that shines through, she can tell a story with her eyes”.
Although Umida had a feeling that her daughter would get the role, Meera was none the wiser, just happy to go to the casting and be in front of a camera, even if it wasn’t the right one. While on set Umida said, “the director was very impressed with how well Meera took direction, she would listen to everything he was saying ask questions if she didn’t understand, she was a natural”. Meera said once the shoot was done “I wanted it to go on for longer, I didn’t want to go home”.
Watch the beautiful and expressive "Dubai Font" campaign.
Meera couldn’t believe it when she saw herself in the Dubai Font campaign for the first time, “We were so proud of her, it’s such a beautiful ad. She would watch it again and again just because she finally saw her dream of being ‘on TV’ a reality.”
Fatima, the older sister of Meera recently starred as a featured cast in the new Adnoc Campaign, soon to be released.
Fatima, although the eldest of the two, was inspired by her younger sister to get in front of the camera also. “Fatima is not as confident as Meera, but when she saw that her sister could do it she knew she could too”. A few weeks after Meera had wrapped her shoot, Fatima was on set of her very first project. “It was unbelievable; I was so happy that one was not being left behind and they both have equal opportunities with Mixfame”.
Umida described Fatima’s reaction to being selected for the role in the Adnoc shoot as “world’s apart. She was so much more excited than Meera was because she had already seen her sister on set and in the spotlight, so Fatima knew she wanted to do the same and was thrilled that she finally could”.
Meera and Fatima described the best thing about being on set was “feeling like we were superstars!”, With so many people around them helping them, getting to know them and giving them advice Umida says “they loved how they felt cared for by everyone, everyone was looking out for them and making sure they were okay”. Umida has mentioned that since the shoot she has started planning for a future in creative arts for her children, “It’s something they apparently love to do and so I’m happy for them to pursue what they love”.
After the shoot, Umida mentioned that Fatima’s confidence had increased tremendously. “She couldn’t wait to tell all of her friends that she had been filming a TV commercial, I’m sure that when she see’s the commercial for the first time, her confidence will be even greater!”.
Both sisters cheer each other on and motivate one another to be the best they can be, “It’s important to me that they both have the chance to try something different, outside of the regular after school activity and work with each other instead of competing with one another.” Umida added.
When asked what advice Umida would give other parents with young children she said “They’re so young so why not give them the chance to try something different! Mixfame has so many great opportunities for children of all ages, just go for it!” She added “I have discovered that my children have a love for something I didn’t even know would be possible, now we can start planning on taking their passion for being in front of the camera to the next level. Who knows, maybe they’ll be movie stars?”
Check out Meera's Mixfame Profile here
Check out Fatima's Mixfame Profile here
Image credits from Dubai Font campaign, and from Fatima's personal Behind The Scenes shot during her production days.
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