
Looking for Several charismatic actors to be part of our short film!


Mage-expire sa 2 years


The Short Film will be posted on both YouTube and Vimeo as well as hopefully entered into short film competitions.

WARNING: The short film will have some sensitive themes such as suicidal thoughts, emotional abuse and depression. The role of the little girl will not be involved in any scenes containing these themes. 

An American accent would be great but it is NOT a necessity.

Briefs for each role: (feel free to improv and change things up if you'd like) are included within the role details

Shoot Date: to be confirmed

Shoot lcoation: Johannesburg - South Africa

Shoot Duration: To be confirmed


Adult Male - DAD

Age: 25-45

Ethnicity: Caucasian

Adult Female - MOM

Age: 25-45

Ethnicity: Caucasian

Adult Female

Age: 25-35

Ethnicity: Caucasian

Old Lady

Age: 50-100

Ethnicity: Caucasian

Little Girl

Age: 5-12

Ethnicity: Caucasian

Mga Role


You are fighting with your wife about something miniscule. You are pretty much looking for a fight. Say things you know will hurt. Be cruel. Use a lot of body language 

Male (Lalaki) From 25 to 45 na taon
Worldwide Apply from


You are fighting with your husband about something minuscule. You are pretty much looking for a fight. Be very manipulative. He says very hurtful things, show how this affects you. Maybe cry (not necessary)

Female (Babae) From 25 to 45 na taon
Worldwide Apply from

Old lady

Please do any modern dramatic monologue of your choice

Female (Babae) From 50 to 100 na taon
Worldwide Apply from

Adult woman

Please do any modern dramatic monologue of your choice

Female (Babae) From 20 to 35 na taon
Worldwide Apply from

Little girl

You've just met your favorite celebrity and you are so excited. They are your role model. You are standing in a meet n greet line waiting to meet them when you suddenly feel very nervous. Your breathing picks up and you panic. Maybe you even cry (not necessary). You are now at the front of the line. Your celebrity sees you and gives you a hug. Your breathing slows and you smile. 

Female (Babae) From 5 to 12 na taon
Worldwide Apply from