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5 Projects Later, Natacha shares her experiences in Commercial Acting in Dubai

5 Projects Later, Natacha shares her experiences in Commercial Acting in Dubai


Check out Natacha's profile here

So tell us a little bit about yourself Natacha! 

My name is Natacha, I am 24 years old, and by night I work PR for a nightclub in Dubai, and by day I guess you can say I am now a model/actress? 

Yes! Please tell me a little more about how you got started in this industry? 

Well, it has always been something that has interested me. I was living in France and interned with a modelling agency, I showed them my interest in exploring becoming a model, but they told me I could never do it. I wasn’t tall enough, didn’t have the ‘European’ look and just thought it was something that would always be a dream. 

I then moved to Dubai and after a while met some people that kept telling me I should sign up with Mixfame. They were telling me that I have the Middle Eastern look and I would get lots of jobs. Of course, I didn’t believe them because of my past experience. I thought there was no way that I would land any of the roles. 

From Casting Photo to Production Still.

I guess that means your expectations were pretty low when you signed up with Mixfame?  

Exactly! I signed up anyway just because so many people were telling me to. But I had zero expectations; I honestly didn’t believe that I would get anything. I thought that my registration would be wasted. But after one month, I landed my first job!  

Wow! Tell me about that.  

It was for IKEA, I wasn’t the main role or anything, but it was still amazing! Actually being on set and experiencing a real production for such a big brand, it was crazy. I applied for it just thinking ‘why not, I have nothing to lose’. Then I got the email that I was shortlisted, and then I was invited to a casting, I couldn’t believe it! 

How did your first ever casting go?  

You know, I’m usually a very confident person, and it takes a lot to scare me. But, as soon as I walked into that casting room, I don’t know what happened to me! I couldn’t stop shaking, I was like a baby, I don’t think I was even able to speak. I left the casting knowing 100% there is no way I am getting that role. I still don’t know what they picked me?!


So, since your first ever casting what has happened?

So far, I have done 5 jobs with Mixfame since February. All of which are featured or leading roles, which to me is such an achievement. I went from being told I could not do this to, having a main part in a souq com ad! Mixfame really proved my thoughts wrong.  

I love that souq com ad, tell me more about that!  

It’s probably the best job I have done to date; it was so much fun, the team were incredible! I am a french speaker, and the entire crew working on that project were French. At first, of course, I was feeling nervous. Who wouldn’t be? But as soon as I could speak with the team in my language it made me feel so comfortable. We could all communicate extremely well with one another, voice our concerns or feedback and not get lost because of the language barrier. I think working with this team is really one of the things that made me feel that, I am capable of doing this. Plus, not to mention, it was my first main role, and I landed it only a month after my first ever job within this industry!  

Your first ever main role! How did you feel the night before?  

I was a little nervous; it was almost like the feeling you get in your stomach before you’re about to go on a roller coaster. But I love roller coasters, so I didn’t mind. It’s a good feeling, and then I got on set, and I felt at home, you know I could just sit there for hours and hours and not even be needed and I wouldn’t mind.  When I wrapped the shoot, I remember thinking modelling was the only thing I could do, I never thought I could act but to be honest, in my 24 years I have finally found my passion, and it’s becoming an actress.  


What is the best thing for you about being on set?

I was relatively new to Dubai when I started so meeting new people was great. But I think the best thing was everyone being so welcoming, sharing their advice and learning from them. It’s a super intimidating industry, but it was surprising how nice people are, for me that was the best thing about being on set.  

How do you feel when you see your finished commercials?  

For souq com it was totally unexpected! I was scrolling through Facebook, and suddenly I see myself! But every other shoot I see come to life, it’s always a feeling of accomplishment, this is exactly what I was looking for in my life and seeing myself doing what I believe I am supposed to do, it’s a very proud moment.  

Natacha’s short Souq com commercial shows her great acting ability in no more than 10 seconds, check it out below.

What advice would you give people similar to you, looking to break it into this industry?  

People will try to give you advice and share their views on your choices, but none of that matters. They will tell you not to do something because it might be hard, or you won’t make enough money or so many other reasons they think it’s wrong. But if this is your passion and your dream, ignore them. Do it for you, not anybody else, you know yourself better than they do and you can do it!  

Since Natacha’s first job with Mixfame, she has been in campaigns for Switz, Dubai Font and more.

We would like to wish her congratulations and if you see her around make sure you give her a big hi5!